Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

"Eagle carried off the camera caught Goat"

A large eagle type of Golden Eagle was spotted clutching a goat fly. That looks bloody goat is expected to be a meal the eagle.

This amazing photo was taken in the mountains of the island of Mull, Scotland. This photo was probably the first photo that managed to capture a giant eagle with a wingspan of two meters carrying prey in the form of goats.

This photo was made ​​by a bird-watcher who declined to be named. He also refused to mention the exact location of this photo was taken. He's afraid of angry farmers because animals become prey to hunt the bird.

Eagle bird species including rare bird indeed. They have about 30 tails and protected in a special area that last year they had polluted habitat.

Before taking this picture, bird watchers and his wife saw some hawks are spinning. "There were several cars parked nearby, then they are circling in the air," said that bird watchers.

Suddenly there is an eagle carrying something that looks great. When looking through binoculars they suspect it's a mountain hare. But after approaching it was a goat.

"A very rare event and may not forget me," said that bird watchers. Eagle Golden Eagle type known as a predator of large animal prey by dropping from a height.

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